You are here: Inventory > Defining Inventory Forms > Inventory Express

Inventory Express

This form enables new inventory items to be quickly created. The basic details are required for entry and the form may be useful if there are a large number of new parts to be entered with few details. The additional information needed can be updated at a later date.

This form also allows new items to be created on the fly in the Sales Orders and Quoting forms with a right mouse click at the line level

Field Description
Part No The unique part number for each new item
Description The description of the part that is used in invoices and purchase orders
Physical Item Tick this field if the item is a physical object
Backorderable Tick this field if the item is available for back order
Use Serial/Batch No.s Tick this field if the item uses serial / batch numbers for all movements in and out of stock
Cost Price (Ex GST ) Cost price of the item ex. GST. This field can be edited at any time
Sell Price (Ex GST) Sell price of the item ex. GST . This field can be edited at any time
Unit What unit the item is measured in e.g. each, box, kilo etc.
Supplier A default supplier must be selected for each item
Lead Time (Days) Number of days it takes from raising a purchase order to the being received
Categories Categories can be selected to define each inventory item and enhance searching and reporting. The Classification controls the General Ledger accounts that journals are posted that impact the inventory

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